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Getting Books - 4 Parts and counting

FamilySearch Library
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Titled another way, this post might have been "identify it, find it, and bring it home." Carrie Cartwright Bergquist says "I'm a paper person." Personally, I'm more of a "download bits person." Either way, a lot of what happens is the same. This is part of a continuing series on finding that "special book or document."

In the meantime, here's a "hot tip." Any documents found from this series can also be searched for from our local Ocean Shores FamilySearch Center. It's got many online databases that are simply not available within a two-day trip from Western Washington.

Part 4 - Finding a book still under copyright mentioned at the NBGS Meeting

Google Books Result for "Virgina's Eastern Shore"
One of our members mentioned she USED to have a copy of "Virginia's Eastern Shore," but no longer had it due to lending it to a relative. Taking that as a challenge, I decided to find a copy. As it turned out, the book was published in 1951 and is still under copyright. What's more, while available via Amazon Books, eBay, and "bookfinder dot com," all of those places wanted over $200 for the large, 2 volume set that had over 1500 pages. For something in good condition that included both volumes, the price was $5000.

Genealogy Cafe on July 17th

In what may become a quarterly series of events (depending on continued audience reception), NBGS is holding another Genealogy Cafe on Wednesday, July 17, from 11:30 until 3:30. Location is at the Ocean Shores Library.

I believe Carrie can certainly use more volunteers and it is more fun that way anyway. No special equipment needed.

In addition to the information on the flyer at left, Carrie notes that we have an added Cafe planned for Wednesday, October 16th 2024. Appointments are not being scheduled for October at this time, but keep that date on your calendar.

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