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Libraries Nearby

Washington State Libraries
All these places are within a 3 hour drive of Ocean Shores

"How to Use" Direct LinkNotes
GHGSGray's Harbor Genealogical Society has Hoquiam Meetings - 2nd Saturday 
WSLWashington State Library and Archives in Olympia and Tumwater
TRL GenealogyTimberland Regional Library is TRL - also see here for library access beyond TRL
Seattle PL
Large main branch with massive resources and an affiliate of FamilySearch
Great computer resources and sage advice
We meet there each month - they have good Wi-Fi as well
Excellent private genealogy library with lots of resources

Too Many Other Library Items to List!
Lots of "brick and mortar" library items and even some of their internet resources and how the internet can help you find stuff in a local library may be found here.
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