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Statistics - Such as they are

Someone asked at the last meeting if we knew what kind of viewership the NBGS site has. This post addresses that question; the light traffic we now have. We'll see how things change in the future.

First off, our site is not set up to tell specifically WHO may be visiting. If our traffic were heavier, we'd be able to tell what States and even some cities that were sending us visitors. We also get information on "referring" sites. There's no clear pattern on that at this point, but eventually, I'm guessing we will get a lot of referrals from Goggle and from some other genealogy sites, but who knows?

The first graphic, below, shows which posts have had how many page views over the last month. For each post, the date indicates when the post was made.

The next graphic shows which "main" pages had how much traffic over the last month. Oddly, "Resources" has little viewing, while the "Google Genealogy Research," accessed from it, is the most popular. Again, it's premature to draw conclusions.

The final graphic shows where our audience came from over the last month. As expected, the US predominates, but the Dutch are looking in as well.

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